Give to Impact That Lasts!

God uses your giving to change lives!

Kids and teens bring heart-breaking burdens to camp, but God meets them at RVR, where faith and fun come alive.

“My kids came home so happy and filled with the love of Jesus.”
— RVR Parent

One week of camp can change a life – will you give so that campers can come alive in Jesus? The Summer Fundraiser Goal is $300,000 and your gift of any amount will make a difference.

For questions about your donation, call 410-584-9790.

Important Reminder: Monthly recurring gifts continue until a cancellation request is received by Kellye Beaman at or by phone at 410-584-9790.

RVR is a part of Peter & John Ministries, a nonprofit organization, so your donations are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law. Year-end tax statements are available upon request.