Statement on Piedmont Reliability Project


River Valley Ranch Urges Reconsideration of Proposed Power Line Route to Protect Natural Sanctuary.

Carroll County, MD - 7/15/24 - River Valley Ranch (RVR), a long established and beloved year-round youth camp, retreat center, and outdoor education facility serving over 10,000 guests annually, is calling on community members and officials to oppose the proposed installation of high-voltage power lines through its property. The project, planned by a large utility company, threatens to disrupt the serene and natural environment that thousands of guests have come to cherish each year.

proposed route cutting through RVR property


  • Environmental Impact: The removal of trees and introduction of power lines will fundamentally alter the tranquil setting of RVR, impacting the peaceful retreat that guests rely on for a respite from their daily lives.
  • Experience Disruption: Guests visit RVR specifically to reconnect with nature. The presence of high-voltage power lines would severely disrupt this experience, making it difficult for visitors to fully unplug and enjoy the outdoors.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: The visual impact of large power lines would detract from the aesthetic appeal and tranquility that RVR provides. This natural beauty is a key reason why guests return year after year.
  • Safety Risks: Introducing high-voltage power lines poses significant safety risks, especially for the many children and families engaging in outdoor activities at RVR.
  • Community Voices: "The beauty and tranquility of RVR are unparalleled. The thought of power lines marring this landscape is heartbreaking," said one concerned guest.
  • Alternative Routes: There are existing power line routes just to the north of RVR that can be utilized to avoid disturbing new ground and affecting RVR's natural beauty. These alternatives would help preserve the camp's environment and safety for future generations.

"RVR is more than just a camp; it is a sanctuary where children and families can reconnect with God and nature and find peace. The proposed power lines would fundamentally alter this experience for the thousands of people who visit us each year," said Jon Bisset, Executive Director of River Valley Ranch.

RVR is urging community members to contact the Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project as well as the Maryland Public Service Commission and express their concerns. By voicing opposition to the current route and advocating for alternative solutions, the community can help preserve the integrity and mission of River Valley Ranch.

Contact Options (please contact all):

For more information, or to get involved in the effort to protect RVR, please visit or contact Peidmont directly to voice your concerns:

About River Valley Ranch

Since 1952, River Valley Ranch (RVR) has provided transformative experiences for youth and families through a variety of camp programs, retreats, and outdoor education activities. Located in the beautiful countryside of Carroll County, MD, RVR is dedicated to fostering personal and spiritual growth and community by reconnecting individuals with nature and God.