Camp Policies FAQ
Please reference these registration policies and FAQ as often as needed to ensure a smooth camp experience. Questions? Call 443-712-1010, use our chat widget, or visit our contact page to reach out to the RVR office.
Attending Camp
What will be expected of my child?
In order to have the best week possible, we ask campers to commit to these Community Guidelines:
Respect Others: I commit to respecting all campers and staff at RVR.
- I will do my part to create a wholesome environment.
- I will refrain from bullying speech and actions.
- I will refrain from any inappropriate or unwanted touching of others and their belongings.
- I will choose kindness, togetherness, and an open mind towards others.
Respect RVR: I commit to respecting RVR’s property and program.
- I will follow camp guidelines and procedures.
- I will refrain from damaging property and equipment.
- I will clean up after myself and leave areas better than how I found them.
Respect Yourself: I commit to respecting myself by making the most of this week.
- I will let a staff member know if I feel sick, scared, or need help with something.
- I will let a staff member know if there are issues with other campers or camp staff.
- I will embrace challenges and try new things to the best of my ability.
What behaviors could get my child dismissed from camp?
The safety of all participants and staff is our number one priority. Therefore, RVR reserves the right to dismiss anyone immediately for inappropriate behavior, including but not limited to the following:
- Threats of harm, or causing harm, to self or others
- Possession of drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, or vape products
- Weapons of any kind
- Sexual harassment
- Theft
- Property damage
- Fraternization
- Bullying
- Curfew violation
- Infractions of camp policies
If anyone is dismissed for inappropriate behavior, they may not be allowed to attend camp again. We will not issue refunds or prorate camp fees for participants who are dismissed for behavior violations.
How do I get to camp?
If your child is attending one of our Overnight Camps, the best way to get to RVR is to follow our directions posted on the website. Once you have arrived on property there will be signs to guide you to either our Fort Roller check-in location (for overnight campers up to age 12) or to our Frontier Town check-in location (for campers age 12-17).
If your child is attending our Day Camp, it is located off-site this year at 2145 E. Deep Run Road Manchester, MD 21102. There will be signs and staff to direct traffic upon your arrival for drop off each morning and pickup each afternoon.
What should my camper bring with them?
A key to a successful camp experience for your camper is to make sure they come to camp prepared. We have a page dedicated to this info which includes a general packing list for all camps, dress code, as well as items to bring and not to bring for specific camp programs. Click here for Packing List page >>
How does the camp handle prescription medications?
Our Health Services staff will collect and dispense the medications brought to camp as directed. It is very important that you follow these basic healthcare guidelines:
- Be sure to bring your child's completed Medication Administration Authorization form to camp check-in.
- Please send all medication in the pharmacy labeled bottles. DO NOT USE DAILY PILL BOXES. Be sure there is only enough medication for the week your child is at camp. All prescription and over the counter medications must have a Medication Authorization form filled out by your doctor.
- Scheduled medication administration times are typically after breakfast, after lunch, after dinner, and before bed, unless a different specific time is required.
- All medications must be turned into the nurse with the exception of fast-acting inhalers and epi-pens.
- You must have a written physician order attached for the nurses to give injectable medications. This includes insulins (with sliding scale dosing if used) and growth hormone replacements.
- Over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and Benadryl are supplied by the health center. Please do not send extras to camp. We do not stock aspirin or aspirin containing products.
How do I write or email my child at camp?
We understand that for many parents, leaving your camper is a difficult thing, however, we have several services in place to help you keep in contact with your child.
We do encourage you to write your camper while they are at camp. You can do so in two ways:
Use our Email Service (Bunk Notes), available thru your online account ($1 per email, packages available) One way emails are pulled from online once a day at Midnight and delivered the next day during mail call.
Use regular snail mail to the following address:
River Valley Ranch
Attn: Your Camper's Name
Your Camper's Program (i.e. Frontier Town Horsemanship)
4443 Grave Run Rd.
Manchester, MD 21102
Please be sure your return address is included on the envelope should your mail arrive late. It is advised that you send snail mail (post office) no later than Tuesday of the week your child is at camp. Otherwise, it may not arrive until after you camper has returned home.
Can I view camp photos while my child is at camp?
You can view photos of campers during the week for free. Maybe you'll even see your camper! If you see any photos you like, you can purchase a digital download or prints for a reasonable fee. After camp is over, these photos will remain viewable to purchase for a limited time. Instructions for viewing are available on the Photos and Videos page.
We also release a video at the end of each camp week, highlighting all the fun and excitement that was had! These videos are available to watch and share for free on our summer camp videos page and on some of our social media channels.
Can I call my child at camp?
Campers will be able to make phone calls each day during afternoon free time starting on Tuesday. We do not open our phones on Monday to help campers get acclimated to the program before talking with Mom and/or Dad (which helps with homesickness). Since parents cannot call campers directly, we advise that parents sit down with their campers ahead of time and discuss how you would like them to call. We will not require campers to call, so they will have to do so on their own initiative. Please note that calls from campers may not identify as coming from River Valley Ranch on your caller ID; so if you see an incoming call from a strange number one afternoon while your child is at camp, you may wish to pick up!
AN IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT CALLING YOUR CAMPER: It is our experience after 60 years that talking with a parent can often times distract the camper from the experience they are having. Many children are doing fine and enjoying themselves only to become homesick after talking with a parent. Please keep that in mind when checking in with your camper.
CONTACTING YOUR CHILD: If you MUST contact your child due to an emergency, you can call the RVR Camp Office at 443-712-1010, Monday-Friday, 9:00am - 9:00 pm. Messages left on the machine after 9:00pm will be checked the following morning. In an absolute emergency if you need to contact someone after 9:00pm you can email us at and we’ll send you our after hours cell phone number. Simply call that number, leave a message and one of our staff will call you right back.
In what circumstances will the camp contact me?
- Severe Homesickness - If your child becomes homesick, we will do our best to try and keep them at camp. Most cases of homesickness pass within a day or two. However, if they become unduly homesick, we will contact you. We encourage you to remain enthusiastic about your child being at camp, even if we have to call you. Most children can remain at camp and have a great time with proper support from their parents.
- Health Reasons - If your child becomes injured or has an extended time of illness you will be contacted as soon as possible.
- Inappropriate Behavior - In the event a participant's negative behavior becomes too disruptive to the camping program we will ask their parent or guardian to come and pick them up early. IMPORTANT- If your child is sent home early for Inappropriate Behavior, they may not be allowed to attend camp again. In addition, if they are signed up for another week later in the summer, you will lose the non-refundable deposit for that week as well.
Does RVR perform any security checks?
Yes. We reserve the right to search participants' belongings for signs of pests (including, but not limited to, lice and bed bugs), as well as illegal substances, weapons, or any other items that are not permitted at camp. These searches may be conducted at our discretion for the safety of all participants & staff. These searches may be preventive, and done at check-in; or they may be done during the participant’s stay if a safety concern should arise. We reserve the right to take action to protect our participants & staff; these measures may include sending the participant home, asking the parents to remove infested luggage & other property, or confiscating any banned items.
We also utilize security cameras throughout our campus and cover many safety topics throughout our staff training measures.
Oh, no, we left some stuff at camp!
If some of the items you packed have taken a hike please fill out our Summer Lost & Found form, or call us at 443-712-1010 and let us know what you have lost. We will do our best to find the item, at which time you may come and pick it up, but please know that our policy is to donate unclaimed items to charity after two weeks.
How and when do I check in?
Overnight Camp: Check-in will be held each Sunday from 3-4:30pm, but we ask that those with last names A-M arrive between 3-3:45pm and those with last names N-Z arrive between 3:45-4:30pm. Fort Roller check-in is held at the campus on top of the hill (follow signage for 'Fort Roller') and Frontier Town check-in is held at the old rodeo arena in the main camp area in the valley (follow signage for 'Frontier Town'). Parking staff will also be present on Sundays to help direct you. After parking and checking in you may escort your child to their dorm and meet their counselors for the week.
Day Camp: Check in will also be drive through, at Mountain View Bible Camp (2145 E Deep Run Rd, Manchester, MD 21102). Drop off will be at 8:30 on Monday morning for Day 1, and then 9am Tuesday-Friday.
All Camps: All balances must be paid by May 1st, so there will be no need to collect additional fees during check-in. Be sure to bring any necessary remaining health forms and other documents with you that haven't already been completed online, as your child cannot attend camp without them. For more information on camp health forms, visit our Camp Forms page
What is RVR's policy on head lice and will my camper be checked for lice?
Participants will be checked for head lice prior to admission to camp. We do not follow public school policy for return once nits/lice are discovered. RVR strictly adhere to a "no nit" policy. Participants with lice or nits will be sent home for treatment and may return only after being cleared. This is for the safety and consideration of all teens, campers, and staff at RVR. If nits or live lice are discovered on any participant’s head:
- The participant may return to camp 24 hours following the treatment (immediate post-treatment return with proof of treatment by professional), provided camp staff does not find any nits remaining in the hair.
- All clothing, bedding, and personal items must be properly treated before returning to camp. Refer to the CDC website for further information regarding head lice and its treatment.
How can you help? Check your child's head carefully 2-3 days prior to camp and treat if needed. See info below or watch this video to learn how to do a head check at home.
RVR has partnered with MD Lice Control, offering discounted pre-camp head checks. For more details, call 410-487-2899 or visit for more information. Be sure to mention you are a patron of RVR.
When do I pick up my camper?
We will be doing a drive through pick up for campers this year. Please bring your ID with you, so we can verify that you are authorized to pick up the camper. If someone other than the person designated on the camp application is going to be picking up the camper, please email notification by noon on Friday.
Overnight Campers
Overnight Camper Pick up is between 4:00-5:00pm on Friday afternoon, at the same parking location where you dropped them off at the start of the week. You will not need to exit your vehicle, as your camper and their luggage will be brought to your car by our staff. If you need to pick up your camper early, RVR has designated early pick up times that must be arranged in advance. These requests must be submitted by emailing no later than Thursday at 4pm. We will confirm your request by sending you the designated early pick up options and procedures. However, we encourage families to pick up their campers in the 4:00-5:00 window, so the campers are able to participate in the full program and don't miss any fun activities! We do not prorate camp fees for missed meals and activities due to early pick ups.
Day Campers
Day Campers will need to be picked up at 5:00pm each day (Mon-Fri), unless you've signed up for extended aftercare through 5:30.
I noticed you are a Christian camp. What does that mean?
RVR’s mission is to cultivate a wholesome Christian environment where guests and staff may grow to their full God-given potential. This means that we believe all people have been created in God’s image and can have a personal relationship with Him through His son Jesus. We see the entire camp experience as one that shares the love of Jesus in both our words and actions. This is done through the formal communication that happens in our daily meetings/small groups and how well we love and care for each camper who comes to RVR. Our hope is that each camper will experience, as Jesus described it, “life to the fullest”!
You can read more about what we mean by "Christian Camp" here >>
RVR's statement of faith is also available here >>
If you have any questions about who we are and the Christian messages and values we teach, please call us at 443-712-1010.
How do you handle LGBTQ issues at camp?
For our camp programs, we welcome any child or teen regardless of their gender identity. Our staff is trained to share the love of Jesus with all program participants and provide a safe space for them. In order to create this environment, we have some guidelines that need to be respected in order for gender issues to not become a disruption at camp. We want to share these with you in advance so that parents, along with their children, can make an informed decision about whether or not RVR is the right fit. If your child identifies as LGBTQ, please discuss these guidelines with them prior to registering them for camp, to make sure they can feel comfortable in this setting.
- Any child or teen identifying as LGBTQ must not use their camp experience as an opportunity to try and force other campers to accept their viewpoint on gender identity. If the expression of their gender becomes disruptive, we may decide to remove the participant from the program for their own benefit and those around them.
- Conversely, if any child or teen harasses or makes a significant issue with another who is identifying as LGBTQ, he/she may be asked to leave (Note: this would also be true for a participant who is harassing another participant for any reason).
- For those identifying as transgender, they will be housed with their biological birth gender. Our staff will use biological gender pronouns consistent with the housing in which the participant is staying or simply use their name. Transgender campers may request that others use their preferred pronouns, but may not make an issue if others prefer not to. A participant who is uncomfortable using the preferred pronoun may also simply use the transgender participant's name. If anyone anticipates this being a problem before attending, it may be better to refrain from coming to camp.
If you have further questions, please contact our office.
Registering for Camp
How old do you have to be to attend camp?
RVR has Overnight camp programs available for children and youth ages 7-17. Within that range there are programs for ages 7-9 (Cadets), 9-12 (Fort Roller), 13-17 (Frontier Town), and 14-17 (TNT).
We also have offsite Day Camp programs for ages 4-10 (separate groups for ages 4-6 and 7-10).
How old do you have to be to work at RVR?
The majority of RVR's summer staff are 18 and older (all counselors must be 18+). In addition to that, RVR has a smaller program for students ages 14-17 who desire to serve on our field crew, store crew, kitchen crew or dining crew (this program does not oversee campers though). Visit our Work at RVR page to learn more about all these various positions.
When can I sign up for camp?
Camp registration normally opens to the public on October 1st each year for the following summer. Online registration is available and preferred, but a mail/fax form is also available. Sorry, no registration by phone.
Sessions are filled on a first come, first served basis, so it is important to register online or send in your registration as soon as possible.
May I use my credit card to pay for camp?
Yes, we currently accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express for online registrations as well as fax or regular mail.
Are financial aid or discounts available?
Financial Aid, in the form of partial assistance grants, is available on a limited basis in varying amounts. It is our desire that no child miss out on an RVR camping experience because of financial circumstances; however, since financial aid is limited, we suggest you look to alternative sources (grandparents, church, etc) before applying for aid in order to ensure a reserved spot for your child. If you wish to apply for financial aid, visit our Financial Aid page.
The following Discounts on summer camp are currently available upon request only and may require validation before being applied to your account.
- REFER-A-FRIEND DISCOUNT: You are eligible to receive $50 OFF for referring first-time overnight campers to RVR ($25 OFF for Day Camp), or for being referred as a first-time camper by a current one! Siblings and scholarship recipients not eligible. To receive the referral discount, you must email with the names of both YOUR CAMPER and the CAMPER BEING REFERRED. Once confirmed, we can then apply the discount to both accounts. (Note: Please list the camper rather than parent names.)
- MILITARY & FIRST RESPONDERS DISCOUNT: Applies to children of active military, veterans, law enforcement officers, paramedics, EMT's, and firefighters. Save $50 off the cost of Overnight Camp or $25 off the cost of Day Camp (contact our office to confirm and apply to your account).
If I cancel, do I get a refund?
Should it be necessary to cancel your registration, you must contact River Valley Ranch in writing (letter, fax or email). Once we are notified that your camper will not be attending, we can make the space available to another child.
For Overnight Camp, if we receive your written cancellation notice prior to May 1st, when the balance of camp fees is due, all but the $100 non-refundable deposit will be returned. Written notice received between May 1st and at least 14 days prior to the beginning of the registered session will result in a forfeiture of $150. Cancellation less than 14 days, but more than 7 days prior to the beginning of the session results in the forfeiture of $200.00. Cancellation within 7 days of arrival results in a $250 fee. Payments exceeding these fees will be returned.
For Day Camp, if we receive your written cancellation notice prior to May 1st, when the balance of camp fees is due, all but the $50 non-refundable deposit will be returned. Written notice received between May 1st and at least 14 days prior to the beginning of the registered session will result in a forfeiture of $75 Cancellation less than 14 days, but more than 7 days prior to the beginning of the session results in the forfeiture of $100. Cancellation within 7 days of arrival results in a $150 fee. Payments exceeding these fees will be returned.
No exceptions will be made to these fees, except for verified medical reasons. Refunds will be provided only after RVR receives a written notice from a qualified physician confirming the camper's inability to attend due to illness or injury. In such cases, all fees except the non-refundable $100 deposit will be returned. Refunds will not be issued for children sent home due to disruptive behavior, and they may not be allowed to attend additional weeks at camp. Additionally, no refunds will be given for children sent home due to homesickness.
Do I have to pay the full amount at the time of registration?
If registering before May 1st, only a $100 non-refundable deposit is required at the time of registration to secure a spot in a program. The remaining balance is then due by May 1st. Payment plans are available.
After May 1st, the entire camp program fee must be made at the time of registration.
Any unpaid balances after May 1st will have a $25 late fee applied to your account. Balances must be paid by June 1st or we reserve the right to cancel your registration. Please contact the office if you need an extension.
What if I need to change my registration to another week?
If you wish to change your child’s registered week to another week, we can do that for no additional charge BEFORE May 1st (subject to availability). After that, there will be a $25 fee assessed for a changed week. All changes must be documented in writing and sent to the registration office either by email, no changes may be made over the phone.
Camp Activities & Amenities
What does the price of camp include?
The prices listed next to each camp include just about everything your camper needs while at camp: food, lodging, specialty camp skill training, and a ton of fun activities! The only things that are not included are extra paintballs (beyond included daily amount), some crafts, and spending money for the Tradin' Post (camp store) and The Wagon Wheel (snack bar).
What is the daily schedule of the camp?
Each exciting day at RVR includes morning group devotional time, special surprise events, large and small group games and activities, free time to enjoy the multitude of recreational activities at RVR, specialty camp skill-building time, captivating evening programs featuring dynamic speakers, and evening snack time. Meals are usually served at around 8am, 12pm, and 5pm. More detailed sample schedules are available on the following pages for the camps that fall under their programming:
- Day Camp (ages 4-10)
- Fort Roller (ages 7-12)
- Frontier Town (ages 13-17)
Where do the campers stay?
Our property is divided up into two main campuses for overnight campers: Fort Roller (completed grades 2-6) and Frontier Town (completed grades 7-11).
Fort Roller campers stay in themed Fort housing (eg- barracks, teepees, wagons) on top of a beautiful hill overlooking the Gunpowder River Valley. The cabins at Fort Roller are modern climate controlled buildings with in-house bathrooms and the other Fort housing options have easy access to detached modern bathroom facilities (teepees and wagons are not air conditioned).
Frontier Town campers are housed in a variety of facilities:
- Classic Camp- stay in either the Muddy Creek House or the Mill. Both are air-conditioned.
- Horsemanship and Trail Riding Camps - stay in the Muddy Creek House. Also air-conditioned.
- Adventure Camp - stay in platform cabin tents located in the woods near the river. While there is no air-conditioning, this area is one of the coolest areas on property in complete shade all day.
Are the cabins air-conditioned?
All of the cabins at Frontier Town and Fort Roller are air-conditioned but some of the specialized program housing is not (platform tents, teepees, and wagons). The housing that not air-conditioned is always located in well shaded areas that keep the air cooler (ceiling/exhaust fans are usually equipped as well). The platform tents in Frontier Town Adventure are also equipped with canvas walls that can be rolled up to allow for excellent air-circulation (each platform tent has screen walls as well). We're happy to answer any other questions you may have!
How's the food?
Having been in the camping business for over 65 years now, we have come to understand what it takes to make campers happy at mealtime. We work very hard to ensure that all meals are nutritionally balanced as well as delicious. We also try to take into account the fact that some campers will not like every meal, so we offer options at each meal. If you have any other questions, please read the Limitations to the Food Menu following this question.
Breakfast While we have over 10 different breakfast menu options, this is an example of 3 of our breakfast meals being served this summer: Sample Menu #1:
Lunch While we have over 14 different lunch menu options, this is an example of 3 of our lunch meals being served this summer: Sample Menu #1
Dinner While we have over 15 different dinner menu options, this is an example of 3 of our dinner meals being served this summer: Sample Menu #1
What are the limitations of the food menu?
While we do our best to serve meals that the majority of people will enjoy, we understand that they may not enjoy everything. As stated above, we do try to offer menu options that vary from the next (i.e. not serving beef at 3 consecutive meals, etc). However, because of the nature of how we are set up, as well as Health Dept guidelines, we simply cannot accommodate every need.
The following is a list of limitations to our meal plans:
- Specialized Meals - We are not able to serve individual specialized meals. If a camper brings to our attention that they are not able to eat what we are serving, we will do our best to find something else, but this must be the exception, not the rule.
Food Allergies - We understand that some children who come to the Ranch have food allergies. We will do our best to assist your camper in this area. The following are our guidelines for food allergies:
- Your child must be able to determine what it is they are allergic to: if a camper is lactose intolerant, he/she needs to know all related dairy products to which they will have a reaction. For example, the camper must know that if cheese gives them a reaction, they cannot eat the lasagna. If they have a question about what is in a certain meal we have prepared, they should ask and the counselor will find out.
- At the time of check-in, please notify the camp nurse about your child's allergy to make sure it's on his/her health form. We will do our best to make sure your child stays away from those types of food, but it is ultimately the child's responsibility to watch out for himself/herself.
- If you are concerned about your child's food allergy, please call us and we can try to answer any additional questions you may have.
- Bringing Your Own Food - Due to Health Department regulations, we are not able to keep and store your child's food in our kitchen. If it is determined that your child will not be able to eat the majority of the food we are serving, you may send supplemental nutrition bars (i.e.: Power bars, Cliff bars, granola bars) or nutritional shakes in a can (Ensure, Ovaltine, etc.) with your child to be kept by the Health Center. After each meal, they will have the option to go to the Health Center and pick up their nutrition bar or shake. No food may be kept in the cabin or in the child's possession.
How does paintball work?
Paintball is an exciting team-building game that has become very popular in recent years. It is designed in a Capture-the-Flag format where participants tag each other with paint in order to eliminate players from the game. The way in which players tag each other is by using a paintball marker which shoots a small ball filled with biodegradable paint that bursts upon impact. Since the paintballs are potentially dangerous to the eyes, players are required to wear protective masks while playing. The games are monitored by at least two referees who closely supervise the game to ensure no player removes his/her mask while playing. Campers may not bring their own paint or markers.
Paintball option for Frontier Town Classic & Adventure: These campers will also be given the option to play a round of paintball during their stay at RVR. This is offered as an elective that they may choose to participate in during their afternoon activity time. All necessary paintball equipment will be provided, and there is no charge for the experience. However, campers who wish to participate in paintball will need closed-toed shoes, long pants & a long-sleeved shirt that can get stained. (Most of the time the paint does wash out, but we recommend erring on the side of caution!)
A Note About Safety: We recognize that while the risks of injury in paintball is very low, there is still a risk involved in playing, particularly to the eyes. However, if your camper follows the basic rules and safety guidelines we give them (i.e. at NO time should you remove your mask, etc), the chance of an injury resulting from the paintball itself is almost zero. If a player is seen violating those rules even once, they will be taken out of the game and not allowed to participate again. You as a parent can help us by encouraging your campers to follow all the rules. Please note that paintballs can sting when you are hit and can sometimes leave small welts on areas of your body that are not padded. For this reason we highly recommend that campers wear long pants and closed toed shoes (cleats are best for the terrain.)
If I have children in more than one camp (Fort Roller and Frontier Town) will they get to see each other?
All Fort Roller programs eat meals in the same facility and have several shared camp activities throughout the week. The same is true of Frontier Town programs. Fort Roller and Frontier Town programs are intentionally separated though because of the wide span of camper ages. If this is a concern for you please let us know and special arrangements can be made to facilitate your campers being able to visit or see one another. You can discuss this with one of our camp directors as well upon arrival for check-in.
Camp Procedures
What behaviors could get my child dismissed from camp?
The safety of all participants and staff is our number one priority. Therefore, RVR reserves the right to dismiss anyone immediately for inappropriate behavior, including but not limited to the following:
- Threats of harm, or causing harm, to self or others
- Possession of drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, or vape products
- Weapons of any kind
- Sexual harassment
- Theft
- Property damage
- Fraternization
- Bullying
- Curfew violation
- Infractions of camp policies
If anyone is dismissed for inappropriate behavior, they may not be allowed to attend camp again. We will not issue refunds or prorate camp fees for participants who are dismissed for behavior violations.
Does RVR perform any security checks?
Yes. We reserve the right to search participants' belongings for signs of pests (including, but not limited to, lice and bed bugs), as well as illegal substances, weapons, or any other items that are not permitted at camp. These searches may be conducted at our discretion for the safety of all participants & staff. These searches may be preventive, and done at check-in; or they may be done during the participant’s stay if a safety concern should arise. We reserve the right to take action to protect our participants & staff; these measures may include sending the participant home, asking the parents to remove infested luggage & other property, or confiscating any banned items.
We also utilize security cameras throughout our campus and cover many safety topics throughout our staff training measures.
Why does RVR charge for Emails?
We charge for emails to help cover the costs of providing this service. We have invested considerably in this service (photos and email) and we must help cover our costs or we would be unable to continue offering it.
If we offered this service for free then many parents would email us at least 4-5 times per week which would mean over 1200 emails
per week (almost 10,000 per summer). The time it would take to administer and print 1200 emails per week would simply be cost prohibitive.
The email service we've chosen to provide is the answer to that issue. It allows parents instant, convenient access to their campers and allows other relatives out of state or overseas to communicate with them as well. But it does come at a cost, even if it is a $1.00. Of course there still is regular mail which is cheaper but does not provide the same instant access.
What is RVR's policy on head lice and will my camper be checked for lice?
Participants will be checked for head lice prior to admission to camp. We do not follow public school policy for return once nits/lice are discovered. RVR strictly adhere to a "no nit" policy. Participants with lice or nits will be sent home for treatment and may return only after being cleared. This is for the safety and consideration of all teens, campers, and staff at RVR. If nits or live lice are discovered on any participant’s head:
- The participant may return to camp 24 hours following the treatment (immediate post-treatment return with proof of treatment by professional), provided camp staff does not find any nits remaining in the hair.
- All clothing, bedding, and personal items must be properly treated before returning to camp. Refer to the CDC website for further information regarding head lice and its treatment.
How can you help? Check your child's head carefully 2-3 days prior to camp and treat if needed. See info below or watch this video to learn how to do a head check at home.
RVR has partnered with MD Lice Control, offering discounted pre-camp head checks. For more details, call 410-487-2899 or visit for more information. Be sure to mention you are a patron of RVR.
How do you go about hiring your counselors?
Understanding that probably the most important factor in your childs camp experience is the camper/counselor relationship, we take great care in hiring the best possible counseling staff. Starting in January, we send out two recruiting teams that visit over 8 college campuses to meet potential staff. Our staff interviews a number of applicants in person and narrows the search from there. Counselors are then required to fill out an extensive application that includes three references all of which we follow up on. It also includes three Personal Evaluation sheets that references are required to fill out completely before the staff person is hired. As a final precautionary measure, all staff we hire are fingerprinted and required to undergo extensive background checks by local and federal police departments. After they are hired, we have 10 days of training including certification in first aid and CPR*. Year after year we consistently hire top-notch staff and believe that your camper will be in the best hands when they come to camp.
*One staff person per cabin is certified.
How do I request a roommate for my camper?
If you have decided to go to camp with a friend, you can request that they be placed in the same room. Simply write the name of the desired roommate in the Roommate Request tab of the registration. If you have received a roommate request log into your account and select “Registrations” in the middle. From their scroll to the “Roommate Request” tab and enter the request code.
Some things to note:
- Each camper is allowed up to three roommate requests.
- Roommates must be enrolled in the same camp program to be considered.
- When you request a roommate, you are NOT requesting the same bunk. We do not reserve bunks, only rooms. Your camper chooses their bunk AFTER you check-in. If you would like to get the same bunk you can increase your chances by getting to check-in on Sunday right at 3:00 pm. You can then go to the bunkhouse and pick out the bunk together.
- We do not allow campers more than 2 grades apart to share the same room. For example, if your child has completed 8th grade this year, they CAN share a room with a 7th, 9th, and 10th grader but NOT an 11th grader or above.
- We usually move older kids down not younger kids up. For example, if your camper has completed 5th grade and his roommate request has completed 4th grade, your child will be moved down with other 4th graders.
- While 99% of the time we are able to fulfill roommate requests, we cannot guarantee a roommate. We will do our best to make sure your camper gets in the same room as their roommate request.
- In order to maximize the chances of you getting your request, we suggest you contact the other parent to make sure they have accepted the roommate request.
IMPORTANT: We DO NOT give out personal information about any camper other than your own. For example, if you would like to know if your neighbor Jimmy is registered for week #6, we cannot give you that information. You'll need to contact Jimmy yourself to find that out. We do this to protect each camper's privacy to ensure that no unwanted information gets out. Thanks for your understanding.
How does the camp bank work?
RVR has a variety of stores and shops that your camper can use to purchase gifts, crafts and snack food items. They may do so with the money you have deposited into their account prior to the week they attend. RVR is equipped with a computerized banking system that will allow your campers to purchase items in our stores without having to use cash. Each camper wears a name bracelet that will help the store cashier's identify each camper. You may add bank money at any time during your child's account by accessing your online portal.
How do I deposit money in the bank?
The easiest and fastest way to deposit money in your child's bank account is to do so before you get to camp. You can do this in two ways:
Make a Deposit Online in Your Account:
- CLICK HERE then log into your RVR account
- Click "Registrations"
- Click "Store Card"
- Enter the amount to add, and make payment
Mail a Check:
River Valley Ranch
4443 Grave Run Road
Manchester, MD, 21102If by mail, please be sure to identify your camper and that it is for bank money.
You may also deposit money in the bank while your child is at camp through your online account.
How much do I put in their account?
Most parents put between $25 and $100 in spending money for their campers. Please note that if your child is in Frontier Town and plans to play paintball, they will need a little more spending money than average. See our Questions About Paintball section (above) if you have more questions about Paintball.
What happens to my child's bank money at the end of the week?
There are two options for dealing with the remaining balance on your child's camp bank account:
- Donate the Remaining Balance to the Ranch: During camp registration you will be given an option to donate the remaining balance on your child's account to the Ranch as a tax-deductible gift. All donations will help to fund the programs for the following summer. A receipt will be available upon request.
- Send the Remaining Balance to You: If you did not choose the above option on your registration form and your balance is greater than $5.00, your bank money will refunded electronically within 2-3 weeks of returning from camp. (Under $5 will only be returned upon request.)
Is RVR inspected by an outside agency?
Yes. RVR is in compliance with the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) for summer camps. We also are inspected by the State and the County several times a year. Click here to learn more about COMAR regulations and certification.
In addition to that, RVR is an ACA accredited camp (American Camp Association) which requires us to meet and exceed numerous industry-wide standards of excellence in camping. Click here to learn more about ACA accreditation.
What is the camper to counselor ratio?
Our camper-to-staff ratios change depending on their age and the camp your child is attending. The following is a list of ratios:
Day Camp Ranchers, ages 4-6, is 6:1
- Day Camp Pioneers, ages 7-10, is 8:1
- Fort Roller Cadets, ages 7-9, is 6:1
- All other Fort Roller camps, ages 9-12, are 8:1
- All other Frontier Town camps, ages 13-17, are 8:1
The counselors stay in the cabins with their campers.
What do you sell in the camp store and snack shop?
In the Wagon Wheel (Snack Shop) you can enjoy various hot food options including fresh baked cookies, pretzels, and pizza. Our wide variety of candy, snacks & cold beverages will more than satisfy anyone’s snack time craving. Make sure to leave room in your belly for Taharka Brothers Ice Cream!
In the Trading Post (Merchandise Store) you won’t want to go home empty handed. Who doesn’t want to show off their camp spirit with some RVR SWAG!? Remember your time at RVR with trendy t-shirts, comfy sweatshirts, fun hats, & awesome souvenirs.
I noticed you are a Christian camp. What does that mean?
RVR’s mission is to cultivate a wholesome Christian environment where guests and staff may grow to their full God-given potential. This means that we believe all people have been created in God’s image and can have a personal relationship with Him through His son Jesus. We see the entire camp experience as one that shares the love of Jesus in both our words and actions. This is done through the formal communication that happens in our daily meetings/small groups and how well we love and care for each camper who comes to RVR. Our hope is that each camper will experience, as Jesus described it, “life to the fullest”!
You can read more about what we mean by "Christian Camp" here >>
RVR's statement of faith is also available here >>
If you have any questions about who we are and the Christian messages and values we teach, please call us at 443-712-1010.
How do you handle LGBTQ issues at camp?
For our camp programs, we welcome any child or teen regardless of their gender identity. Our staff is trained to share the love of Jesus with all program participants and provide a safe space for them. In order to create this environment, we have some guidelines that need to be respected in order for gender issues to not become a disruption at camp. We want to share these with you in advance so that parents, along with their children, can make an informed decision about whether or not RVR is the right fit. If your child identifies as LGBTQ, please discuss these guidelines with them prior to registering them for camp, to make sure they can feel comfortable in this setting.
- Any child or teen identifying as LGBTQ must not use their camp experience as an opportunity to try and force other campers to accept their viewpoint on gender identity. If the expression of their gender becomes disruptive, we may decide to remove the participant from the program for their own benefit and those around them.
- Conversely, if any child or teen harasses or makes a significant issue with another who is identifying as LGBTQ, he/she may be asked to leave (Note: this would also be true for a participant who is harassing another participant for any reason).
- For those identifying as transgender, they will be housed with their biological birth gender. Our staff will use biological gender pronouns consistent with the housing in which the participant is staying or simply use their name. Transgender campers may request that others use their preferred pronouns, but may not make an issue if others prefer not to. A participant who is uncomfortable using the preferred pronoun may also simply use the transgender participant's name. If anyone anticipates this being a problem before attending, it may be better to refrain from coming to camp.
If you have further questions, please contact our office.