Fort Roller Overnight Camp
Ages 7-12 (recommend completed grades 2-6)
So you’re considering sleepaway camp in Maryland? You’ve come to the right place! Fort Roller is the perfect overnight summer camp setting for your young adventurer. Once a camper enters the fort gate, chances are they’ll have the best week of overnight summer camp ever. Fort Roller campers can choose from the following exciting programs for their camp experience: Cadets, Cadets Preview, Classic, and Adventure Camp (see descriptions below).
Parents and campers alike love the age appropriate program that all RVR overnight summer camp programs offer. Each camp is designed to let kids be kids, as they spend a week in the safe, positive, and fun environment of Fort Roller. If you are outside of this age range, be sure to check out RVR’s other residential programs as RVR strives to offer the best Maryland summer camps for campers of all ages!
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Fort Roller Camp Program Options
Campers attending the Fort Roller camp location can choose from several awesome programs. When registering, just consider the age and interests your camper has and choose the one that's right for them!
Fort Roller Cadets
Cadets is where the overnight camp experience begins! With caring counselors and new experiences like archery, crafts, games, swimming, and much more, each day will be a new adventure with friends by their side and places to explore.
For: Coed, ages 7-9
Offered When: Weeks 1–2 and 4-8
Cost: $910 per week
Fort Roller Cadets Preview
If a week of camp is just a little too much time away from home for your first-time camper, no problem— Cadets Preview is a shortened version of Cadets camp, with many of the same great experiences, only 2 nights!
For: Coed, ages 7-9
Offered When: Week 3
Cost: $480 per week
Fort Roller Classic
If Fort Roller were a restaurant, Classic would be the sampler platter. If your camper wants a taste of everything RVR has to offer, register for Classic Camp and get ready for a summer week to remember!
For: Coed, ages 9-12
Offered When: Weeks 1–8
Cost: $970 per week
Fort Roller Adventure
One of Fort Roller’s most popular overnight summer camps is Adventure. Campers will talk for years about the awesome time they had riding RVR's 1500ft. zipline, traversing the high ropes course, and more. Don't wait to register for this fast-filling camp!
For: Coed, ages 9-12
Offered When: Weeks 1–8
Cost: $1,060 per week
Daily Schedule & Camp Activities
Every day at Fort Roller starts with a delicious family-style breakfast in Hilltop Hall! After some cabin time getting ready for the day, it’s camp specific activities until lunch— for example: Adventure Camp flies down our 1,500’ Triple Zip Line while Classic Camp spends the morning competing in an Archery Tag tournament!
After lunch, Fort Roller campers head to free time where they can play Gaga, swim in the pool, play a game of knockout in the gym, get a milkshake… you name it! They also have the option of signing up for special elective activities during free time, such as paintball or a horseback trail ride! After two full hours of action-packed free time, another camp specific activity time begins. Afternoon activities end around 5:00 so campers have some time to shower and rest before dinner.
Following dinner is many campers' favorite part of the day— the evening service in the Longhouse! Here, campers will experience fun, games, dancing, singing, and age appropriate Bible lessons. Services have a conversational feel and present stories from the Bible, then provide time for campers to ask questions in a small group setting. When small groups have concluded, all of Fort Roller will enjoy the camp-wide evening activity. From pool parties, to carnivals and skit night, it’s always an unforgettable time! Campers head back to their bunkhouses between 9:30 and 10:00 to get ready for bed & Counselors make sure everyone gets the rest they need because they'll wake up in just a few short hours and do it all over again!
Daily Schedule subject to change
☼ Morning
- 8:00 Wake-up
- 8:30 Breakfast
- 9:00 Cabin Clean-up
- 9:30 Activity Session
- 11:30 Cabin Time
- 12:00 Lunch
- 1:00 Free Time/Electives
☾ Afternoon
- 3:00 Activity Session
- 5:00 Shower/Rest Time
- 6:00 Dinner
- 6:45 Evening Meeting
- 7:45 Small Group Time
- 8:15 Evening Activity
- 10:00 Curfew
2025 Camp Theme
Some of the week's camp activities, along with the evening services, will take on the feel of our theme and this summer's theme is... “No Matter What!”
What does it mean to trust in God? It can be easy to trust Him when things are going well, but what happens when unexpected challenges and trials emerge and start to shake us? Hebrews 10:23 says “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.” Trusting in God at first means getting to know Him. The more we learn about Him, the more we see His faithfulness. So, what does this look like? Together we will look at the story of Daniel and his friends facing many challenges, yet God remained faithful. Join us this summer as we learn what it means to trust in God, No Matter What!

RVR Summer Camp Calendar
Check out all the weeks Fort Roller camps are offered below. Register, mark the date on your calendar, and let the countdown begin!
Register for Fort Roller Overnight Camp
For more info or to talk to one of RVR’s quality, caring staff members, visit our contact page.